festivus Hinds, 1844 57-67mm Old Navy Oil Pier, Los
Angeles Harbor, Los Angeles, CA On rocks and pilings at 3-15'. This pier was
torn down in the early 90's to make way for a new marina. The largest one is
near W.R. size.
festivus Hinds, 1844 46-58mm Old Navy Oil Pier, Los
Angeles Harbor, Los Angeles, CA On rocks and pilings at 3-15'. Rare White form
has only traces of brown on body and siphons.
festivus Hinds, 1844 49-58mm Old Navy Oil Pier, Los
Angeles Harbor, Los Angeles, CA On rocks and pilings at 3-15'. Rare Golden form
festivus Hinds, 1844 36-54mm Old Navy Oil Pier, Los
Angeles Harbor, Los Angeles, CA On rocks and pilings at 3-15'. Banded forms